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White Pine Pine Cone


These soft, gentle cones are a delight to craft with, offering a unique texture and fragrance that’s sure to captivate.

White pine cones, also known as eastern white pine cones (Pinus strobus), and are a distinctive and beautiful feature of the eastern white pine tree. The cones can grow toa 4-8 inches (10-20 cm) long and 2-3 inches (5-7.5 cm) wide and have a cylindrical or oval shape, with a tapering upper end. The cones are a grayish-brown color when young, gradually turning brown as they mature. As the cone ages, it becomes more papery and brittle, eventually splitting open to reveal their seeds (ovules). The surface of the cone is covered with scale-like leaves (bracts) that are arranged in two rows on either side of a central axis. These scales are small, narrow, and often have a reddish-brown tint.

Cones come in approximate sizes of 4 to 8 inches long .

